Diagnosis banding karsinoma nasofaring pdf free

Pasien dengan karsinoma nasofaring perlu dilakukan edukasi mengenai definisi, tatalaksana, efek samping tatalaksana, dan pentingnya follow up. Tulang adalah bagian tubuh manusia yang amat penting, karena begitu besarnya fungsi tulang, antara lain tempat pembentukan sel darah, melindungi organorgan penting, sebagai alat gerak pasif, dan lainlain. The lymph nodes that are located between the collarbone clavicle and the jawbone mandible are excised out. Rodriguezgalindo c, wofford m, castleberry rp, et al. A very rare case of primary nonhodgkins lymphoma of the. Pdf lipoproteina dan kebahayaan sindrom koroner akut. Karsinoma nasofaring merupakan tumor ganas daerah kepala dan leher yang terbanyak ditemukan di indonesia. This finding is probably a result of a combination of lifestyle modification, population screening coupled with better imaging, advances in radiotherapy, and effective systemic agents. Along with the lymph nodes, few nerve tissues and few muscles are also. Diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma from serum samples. Pdf update diagnosis dan tatalaksana karsinoma nasofaring.

Pasien dan keluarga perlu diberikan edukasi mengenai definisi penyakit, penatalaksanaan, serta efek samping dari terapi yang diberikan. Diagnosis dini akan membuat hasil terapi lebih baik. Di indonesia, tumor ganas ini termasuk dalam urutan pertama keganasan. Both biopsies show similar features, with invasive poorly differentiated nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma involving fragments of soft tissue and bone. Meski begitu, kanker nasofaring terbilang lebih berbahaya jika tidak segera ditangani atau tidak mendapatkan penanganan dengan benar. We aimed to identify the clinical characteristics of congenital adhesion band manifesting a sbo stratified by age group between pediatric and adult patients. Karsinoma laring merupakan keganasan yang sering terjadi pada salura nafas dan masih merupakan masalah karena penanggulannnya mencakup berbaga segi.

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma npc is a malignant tumour of the nasopharynx that has a strong geographical distribution, with a high incidence in southern china. Jun 26, 2006 nasopharyngeal carcinoma npc is a tumor arising from the epithelial cells that cover the surface and line the nasopharynx. Diagnosis didapat dari anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik, dan pemeriksaan penunjang, di antaranya pemeriksaan endoskopi, radiologi, dan serologi. Ct was helpful in making the diagnosis of the lipoma without the necessity of an invasive procedure and with a 7590% of accuracy rate. Salah satunya adalah karsinoma nasofaring atau kanker nasofaring. Rectal biopsy as an aid in the diagnosis of hirschsprungs. The role of ebv markers in diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of. Dilakukan dengan tang biopsi lewat hidung atau mulut dengan rigidfiber. Carcinogenesis, diagnosis, and molecular targeted treatment for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Dna epsteinbarr virus ebv sebagai biomaker diagnosis karsinoma nasofaring 11. Diagnosis banding dari karsinoma nasofaring adalah masa sinus atau nasofaring lainnya.

Hampir 60% tumor ganas kepala dan leher merupakan karsinoma nasofaring. Jenis lain yang jarang kita jumpai adalah karsinoma anaplastik, pseudosarkoma, adenokarsinoma dan sarkoma. Metastatic lesions occur frequently but are difficult to distinguish from other head and neck tumors. Salah satu faktor penyulit menegakkan diagnosis kanker nasofaring adalah karena letak predileksinya yang tersembunyi. Peserta ppds thtkl mampu membuat diagnosis dan diagnosis banding mengenai gangguan pendengaran. Fortynine consecutive gastric lesions were diagnosed as adenomas by conventional endoscopy with forceps biopsy and finally resected by endoscopic submucosal dissection. The patient presenting a typical history of chronic constipation, with physical signs of a distended abdomen and an empty rectal ampulla. Karsinoma nasofaring knf merupakan salah satu bentuk tumor ganas yang berasal dari sel epitel, yang jarang ditemukan pada anak. The peculiarity of the lesion and the approach we made is the key factor in the presentation. Download komplikasi diagnosis banding ca nasofaring.

The commoner problems in diagnosis are discussed, including problems in rendering a new diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma on nasopharyngeal biopsies. Pemeriksaan radiologik berupa ct scan nasofaring mulai setinggi sinus frontalis sampai dengan klavikula, potongan koronal, aksial, pelaporan diagnosis karsinoma nasofaring berdasarkan kriteria who 1 dan sagital, tanpa dan dengan kontras. Kamu bisa membuat janji secara online dengan dokter di rumah sakit pilihan tanpa harus mengantre. A malignant cancer that occurs in the nasopharynx area which is the upper part of the throat. Sonography was limited in delineating the extent of tumor and in. Pdf diagnosis dan penatalaksanaan karsinoma nasofaring. It is a tumour that has had many classification schemes proposed since the early 20th century. Sasak i yf, kawaguch i s, kamaya a, ohshita m, kabasawa k. Insiden knf pada anak rendah, tetapi dalam dekade terakhir terjadi peningkatan kasus pada usia.

It starts in the upper part of your throat, behind the nose. On ct scans, lipomas appear as homogeneous, hypoattenuated masses with a ct number ranging from 60 to 120 hu hounsfield units and they typically do not show contrast enhancement. Aliandri, efek samping hematologis pemberian kemoterapi pada penderita karsinoma nasofaring di rsup h. Gambaran hasil pemeriksaan emisi otoakustik sebagai skrining awal pendengaran bayi baru lahir di rsup h. Nasopharyngeal cancer early detection, diagnosis, and staging cancer. High incidence of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in asia clifton p. Always seek the advice of your own physician or other qualified health care professional regarding any medical questions or conditions. Karsinoma nasofaring masih mengancam tuesday, 03 april 2012 wib, oleh. Although much commoner in the eastern hemisphere, with an agestandardised incidence rate of 0. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is an epsteinbarr virusassociated neoplasm that shows remarkable racial and geographical distribution. The bicep femoris is a small, deep hamstring muscle that travels down the back and side of the thigh, and its tendon attaches at the outside of the knee.

Banding without resection in small subepithelial tumours. Titcomb jr, md although nasopharyngeal carcinoma npc is a rare cancer in the united states, it is a leading cause of death in other countries. Karsinoma nasofaring nasofaring merupakan bagian paling atas dari faring yang berada di belakang hidung. Diagnosis banding hematuria persisten antara lain glomerulonefritis, nefritis tubulointerstisial atau kelainan urologi. The differential diagnosis of sinonasalnasopharyngeal. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma npc is a malignant tumour of the nasopharynx, which is the upper part of the throat behind the nose. Pada pertengahaan tahun 2001 saya merasa ada gangguan di pernapasan seperti sesak napas, tetapi jantung normal dan aktivitas olah raga seperti biasa. A very rare case of primary nonhodgkins lymphoma of the vagina.

What kind of biopsies might doctors do to diagnose churg. Atap nasofaring berhubungan dengan dasar tengkorak yang dibentuk oleh lantai sinus sfenoid di medial dan fibrokartilago foramen laserum di lateral. Pada stadium ini biasanya diagnosis pertussis belum dapat ditetapkan. The diagnosis of hirschsprungs disease is not always easy. During diagnosis the doctor will want to rule out other medical conditions that can have similar symptoms to it band syndrome, such as bicep femoris tendinopathy. Penanganan karsinoma nasofaring sampai saat ini masih merupakan suatu problem, hal ini karena etiologi yang masih belum pasti, gejala dini yang tidak khas serta letak nasofaring yang tersembunyi, sehingga diagnosis sering terlambat. Nasopharyngeal cancer is a rare type of head and neck cancer. See epidemiology, etiology, and diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma, section on epidemiology. Diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma by dna amplification.

Dna epsteinbarr virus ebv sebagai biomaker diagnosis. Diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma is primarily based on the history, physical. Preradiation chemotherapy with methotrexate, cisplatin, 5fluorouracil, and leucovorin for pediatric nasopharyngeal carcinoma. The medical records of all patients with a sbo between jan 1, 2009 and dec 31, 2015. Worldwide, there are approximately 80,000 incident cases and 50,000 deaths annually, but there is remarkable variation in racial and geographic distribution.

The prognosis depends on the early diagnosis, therefore it is important to make prompt diagnosis in order to. Below is a complete listing of all nanda nursing diagnoses. The content on the uptodate website is not intended nor recommended as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Listing a study does not mean it has been evaluated by the u. The bicep femoris is a small, deep hamstring muscle that travels down the back and side of the. Untuk dapat mendeteksi dan mendiagnosis kanker payudara ada beberapa tahap. Khas, ada ulangan 510 batuk kuat selama ekspirasi yang diikuti oleh usaha inspirasi masif yang mendadak yang menimbulkan whoop udara dihisap secara kuat melalui glotis yang sempit. While radiotherapy rt remains the primary treatment modality with high cure rates for early stage disease, systemic treatment forms an important integral component in the treatment of npc, both in the nonmetastatic as well. Value of narrow band imaging nbi endoscopy in the early.

In this only those lymph nodes are excised that are present close to the tumor mass and are susceptible to getting involved. Lutan r, diagnosis dan penatalaksanaan karsinoma nasofaring, dalam kumpulan naskah konas xiii perhati, bali, 2003, 16. Nandaapproved nursing diagnoses 20152017 indicates new diagnosis for 2015201725 total indicates revised diagnosis for 20152017 14 total retired diagnoses at bottom of list7 total 1. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma npc is a rare malignancy worldwide, but it is endemic in a few areas including southern china, southeast asia, north africa and the arctic. Nasopharyngeal cancer early detection, diagnosis, and staging. Karsinoma nasofaring merupakan lima besar tumor ganas terbanyak di indonesia dan terutama ditemukan pada pria. Although most recurrences occur within 5 years of diagnosis, relapse can be seen at longer intervals.

Npc is the fourth most common cancer among malaysians. The findings from magnifying endoscopy with narrowband imaging were retrospectively classified into five types according to. Dec 16, 20 narrow band imaging is a promising endoscopic technology which may improve the diagnostic accuracy of detecting and characterizing premalignant and neoplastic lesions in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Learn what is a nursing diagnosis, its history and evolution, the nursing process, the different types, its classifications, and. Nasopharyngeal cancer is a disease in which malignant cancer cells form in the tissues of the nasopharynx. Diagnosis karsinoma nasofaring umumnya diawali dengan pemeriksaan umum. Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma radiology reference. Copies of the ebv genome have been found in cells of preinvasive lesions, suggesting that it is directly related to the process of transformation. Karsinoma nasofaring karsinoma nasofaring, juga dikenal sebagai tumor kanton karena tingkat prevalensinya yang tinggi di wilayah cina selatan, merupakan salah satu kanker yang umum ditemui di hong kong.

Meskipun faktor resiko yang tersebar luas seperti usia, kolesterol tinggi, dan obesitas secara signifikan meningkatkan resiko aterosklerosis, formasi plak yang terbentuk predominan pada tempat tertentu dalam sirkulasi sehingga menjadi faktor lokal yang sangat berpengaruh dalam sirkulasi. Often there are no symptoms until the cancer has metastasized to other parts of the body such as the neck. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma npc is a unique disease endemic in asia. Nov 25, 2010 adenoid cystic carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm most commonly originating in salivary glands of head and neck region. Bahkan, data who menunjukkan bahwa pengidap kanker nasofaring di seluruh dunia hanya sekitar 80 ribu setiap tahunnya. This article describes the salient pathologic features of the subtypes and variants of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Karsinoma sel skuamosa meliputi 9598% dari semua tumor ganas laring, dengan derajat difrensiasi yang berbedabeda. Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibromas occur almost exclusively in males and usually in adolescence 15 years. Pdf dna epsteinbarr virus ebv sebagai biomaker diagnosis. A primary or metastatic malignant neoplasm involving. In nasopharyngeal carcinoma the primary lesion is often difficult to find. The detection of the epsteinbarr virus ebv nuclear antigen and viral dna in nasopharyngeal carcinoma has revealed that ebv can infect epithelial cells and is associated with their malignant transformation. Activity intolerance specify level activity intolerance, for. Most studies have been conducted in expert centers and carried out by one or a few observers.

Ada sekitar 900 kasus baru setiap tahunnya di hong kong. Npc differs significantly from other cancers of the head and neck in. Narrow band imaging with magnification for the diagnosis of. This study tested the feasibility of plasma ctdna for the noninvasive analysis of tumor mutations in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma escc by sequencing of tumor, tumoradjacent, and normal tissue, as well as presurgery and postsurgery plasma. It is more prevalence in southeast asia, southern china and north african countries. The incidences of second primary malignancies are fewer than after treatment of tumors at other head and neck sites. Adanya silinder leukosit, leukosituria menandakan nefritis tubulointerstisial.

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma npc, or nasopharynx cancer, is the most common cancer originating in the nasopharynx, most commonly in the posterolateral nasopharynx or pharyngeal recess fossa of rosenmuller, accounting for 50% of cases. Konsumsi ikan asin sebagai faktor resiko pada pasien karsinoma. Nasopharyngeal carcinomatime lapse before diagnosis and. Sonographic diagnosis and followup of abdominal neuroblastoma. Hampir 60% tumor ganas kepala dan leher merupakan karsinoma nasofaring, kemudian diikuti oleh tumor ganas hidung dan sinus paranasal 18%, laring 16%, dan tumor rongga mulut, tonsil, hipofaring dalam prosentase rendah.

Dharmais, karsinoma nasofaring knf merupakan keganasan terbanyak pada seluruh tubuh pada lakilaki pada tahun 20032007. Pada pasien tua, diagnosis banding mencakup tumor paru dan mediastinum, terutama karsinoma sel kecil dan non sel kecil. Detection of bone metastasis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. All tumors had a variable and inhomogeneous echo pattern, but the level of echogenicity and changes in echo texture with therapy were of no value in predicting the course of disease. From basic information about cancer and its causes to indepth information on specific cancer types including risk factors, early detection, diagnosis, and treatment options youll find it here. Links to pubmed are also available for selected references. Yordanov ad 1, malkodanski it 2, slavchev shm 3, ivanov md 4 and vasileva pp 5. Diagnosis banding dari kanker nasofaring adalah limfoma malignum, proses. The patient went on to have a nasopharyngeal biopsy which demonstrated invasive nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma. Kolesistitis adalah reaksi inflamasi akut atau kronis dinding kandung empedu. Update diagnosis dan tatalaksana karsinoma nasofaring. Buku ajar ilmu penyakit dalam papdi edisi kelima pdf free. Adenoid cystic carcinoma of buccal mucosa springerlink.

Deteksi dini dan diagnosis karsinoma nasofaring kalbemed. Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibromas jna are a rare benign, but locally aggressive, vascular tumor. Aug 15, 2014 endoscopic diagnosis of laryngeal cancer and precancerous lesions by narrow band imaging. Doctors use many tests to find, or diagnose, cancer. Diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma from serum samples using hyperspectral imaging combined with a chemometric method. Diagnosis pasti berdasarkan pemeriksaan pa dari biopsi nasofaring bukan dari biopsi aspirasi jarum halus bajh biopsi insisionaleksisional kelenjar getah bening leher.

Dokter akan menanyakan seputar keluhan yang dialami. Circulating tumor dna ctdna is becoming an important biomarker in noninvasive diagnosis and monitoring of tumor dynamics. Tesis kedokteran 1 koleksi skripsi lengkap dari berbagai. Histopathological diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Pelaporan diagnosis karsinoma nasofaring berdasarkan kriteria who 1 yaitu. Karsinoma nasofaring lebih sering terjadi pada lakilaki, umur 40 dan 50 tahun, tetapi kadang juga dijumpai pada anakanak. The loss of working life due to npc is substantial. Mediastinitis reaktif dan adenopati hilus akibat histoplasmosis dapat mirip dengan limfoma, karena penyakit tersebut timbul pada pasien asimtomatik. Bab 1 pendahuluan karsinoma nasofaring knf merupakan tumor ganas yang paling banyak dijumpai di antara tumor ganas tht di indonesia, dimana karsinoma nasofaring termasuk dalam lima besar tumor ganas, dengan frekuensi tertinggi bersama tumor ganas serviks uteri, tumor payudara, tumor getah bening dan tumor kulit, sedangkan didaerah kepala dan leher menduduki tempat pertama knf mendapat. Discussion on the early diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Buku monograf dengan judul diagnosis molekuler epsteinbarr virus.

Features are consistent with a nasopharyngeal carcinoma, which was confirmed on biopsy nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma, ebv positive. Angka kejadian karsinoma laring di rs cipto mangunkusuma jakar menduduki urutan ketiga setelah karsinoma nasofaring dan karsinoma hidung da sinus paranasal. It is staggering how large some base of skull tumors can before coming to clinical attention. Hubungan antara gambaran timpanometri dengan letak dan stadium tumor pada penderita karsinoma nasofaring di departemen thtkl rsup h.

A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. You will find a list of common tests, procedures, and scans that doctors use to find the cause of a medical problem. Get a printable copy pdf file of the complete article 1. Isbn 9789533078670, pdf isbn 9789535167358, published 20120215. Knf bukanlah penyakit yang dapat disembuhkan, maka diagnosis dan. The nasopharynx is the upper part of the pharynx throat behind the nose. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma non keratising radiology case. Karsinoma nasofaring menyebar secara local melalui perluasan langsung, secara regional melalui nodulnodul sekitarnya, dan secara jauh melalui aliran darah.

A congenital adhesion band is a rare condition, but may induce a small bowel obstruction sbo at any age. Karsinoma nasofaring adalah karsinoma sel skuamosa non limfomatous pada jaringan mukosa nasofaring. Bila disertai hematllria juga merupakan variasi dari glomerulonefritis. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma symptoms, diagnosis, treatments. Intraabdominal neuroblastomas were evaluated by sonography in 30 children, 18 of whom underwent 25 studies, for a total of 63 examinations. Smoky fires in small, poorly ventilated structures have been cited as a risk factor for nasopharyngeal carcinoma npc since the 1920s dobson, 1924. Know the concepts behind writing nanda nursing diagnosis in this ultimate tutorial and nursing diagnosis list. Kanker nasofaring komite penanggulangan kanker nasional. Improved longterm disease free survival in nasopharyngeal carcinoma in childhood and adolescence.

The pharynx is a hollow tube about 5 inches long that starts behind the nose and ends at the top of the trachea windpipe and esophagus the tube that goes from the throat to the stomach. Setelah itu akan dilakukan pemeriksaan fisik secara langsung. Edukasi dan promosi kesehatan karsinoma nasofaring alomedika. Full text full text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version. Congenital adhesion band causing small bowel obstruction. Whether you or someone you love has cancer, knowing what to expect can help you cope.

Gejala karsinoma nasofaring sering tidak spesifik, sehingga sering terdiagnosis pada stadium lanjut. It is etiologically linked to the epsteinbarr virus and is both radio and chemosensitive. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma arises from the lining of the nasopharynx, the narrow tubular passage behind the nasal cavity. Faktor yang mempengaruhi timbulnya kolesistitis adalah penyumbatan cairan empedu. Diagnosis ditegakkan melalui pemeriksaan endoskopi dan imaging. Karsinoma nasofaring berada pada urutan ke4 kanker terbanyak di indonesia setelah kanker leher rahim, kanker payudara dan kanker paru. Karsinoma nasofaring knf merupakan kasus endemik di indonesia dan. Kanker nasofaring lebih banyak terjadi pada pria daripada wanita dengan perbandingan tiga banding satu. Aug 11, 2017 banding without resection in small subepithelial tumours banding set the safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. A retrospective study in perspective of limited resource settings 3 months after diagnosis. Noninvasive diagnosis and monitoring of mutations by deep. Seseorang yang mengidap penyakit ini harus mendapatkan pemeriksaan reguler dengan ahli medis.

This is the official guideline endorsed by the specialty associations involved in the care of head and neck cancer patients in the uk. Epidemiological trends during the past decade suggest that although incidence of nasopharyngeal carcinoma is gradually declining, even in endemic regions, mortality from the disease has fallen substantially. Hal ini dilakukan sebelum, selama, hingga sesudah pengobatan dilakukan. The underlying mechanisms behind this remarkable geographic distribution remain unclear. Pelaporan diagnosis karsinoma nasofaring berdasarkan kriteria who. Salah satu jenis pemeriksaan fisik yang dilakukan adalah meraba kemungkinan benjolan di leher untuk menilai ada atau tidaknya pembesaran kelenjar getah bening. Tatalaksana pengobatan kanker nasofaring memerlukan integrasi dari spesialis tht, onkologi. Keluhan tersering yang dialami oleh pasien adalah pembengkakan pada leher dan otitis serosa unilateral. Scribd is the worlds largest social reading and publishing site. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma npc is the third most common cancer and the third most common cause of cancer death in the local male population.

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